Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Cupcake is out of the oven!

Our amazing daughter was born last night at 7:37pm!  T was so incredible.  She went through eighteen hours of a totally medication-and-intervention-free labor and delivery.  We're ... over the moon, in awe, thrilled, in disbelief, grateful.  Take your pick, as they're all accurate.  Birth story will follow, but for the time being I'll share some photos.

EJM, born September 1st, weighing 7lbs and 6oz and measuring 20.5 inches long.

Brand new!

Hi darling. 

First family picture!

"It's bright out here..."

Mama's first time holding E

Mom, Mama, E

with Grandma

with Gran

with Pops


  1. Aaaah congratulations!!! She's perfect! :D
    (Thanks for cluing the blog world scurry back to your family!)

  2. Congratulations! She's lovely! And that hair!! Can't wait to see more pics of your beautiful girl and follow on :)
